AFFF Firefighting Foam Cancer Lawsuit (2024 Update)

Are you keeping up with the latest developments in the AFFF firefighting foam lawsuit involving the Navy? Recent progress has been favoring the plaintiffs, with potential compensation payouts and imminent settlements on the horizon.

Victims are eagerly awaiting resolution, especially in personal injury and wrongful death claims. The hope remains high for a resolution in 2024. This would ultimately provide justice for those affected by chemical exposure. So, let’s get started with hope.

Hidden Hazard Behind AFFF Firefighting Foam and PFAS Chemicals

Before proceeding further we must know about AFFF firefighting foam and PFAS chemicals. For decades, Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF), also known as Class B firefighting foam, has safeguarded various military installations and bases. Its effectiveness against fires fueled by substances like jet fuel and gasoline is well-known.

As per the Environmental Protection Agency, PFAS chemicals exist under afff. It is important to note that these chemicals have been linked to serious illnesses, from prostate cancer to thyroid conditions.

AFFF Firefighting Foam Cancer Lawsuit

It was reported that the impact was severe, particularly for firefighters, Navy personnel, and military personnel who performed their duties. Consequently, lawsuits are mounting, consolidated into AFFF MDL 2873. In addition, manufacturers faced legal action for injuries tied to afff exposure. Legal proceedings are in motion, meanwhile, ongoing and pending AFFF lawsuits are funneled into multidistrict litigation. Progress since 2022 indicates momentum, with recent developments favoring plaintiffs.

It is essential to comprehend the science underlying these lawsuits. PFAS compounds are persistent in the environment. They pose a danger to both people and wildlife. This is because they contaminate food and water sources. The precise processes linking AFF exposure to cancer are still being investigated. However, some possibilities include:

  • Oxidative stress
  • Immune system suppression
  • Hormone imbalance
  • DNA damage

It is noteworthy that expert witnesses help afff lawyers in court put together the scientific puzzle for juries. According to their testimony, prolonged chemical exposure increases cancer risk. Ultimately, the evidence speaks volumes—long-term exposure to firefighting foam elevates cancer risks significantly.

AFFF Lawsuit Navy and Their Ramifications

After being exposed to the foam, people have been filing AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuits against the makers in increasing numbers. Consequently, these people were fighting cancer or other health problems. Personal medical accounts and strong proof connecting afff to cancer and other illnesses support each claim.

Municipal water contamination cases have also surfaced, attributing groundwater pollution to improper afff disposal. As a result, governmental organizations and water authorities frequently start these cases. This broadens the scope of accountability for manufacturers.

The surge in lawsuits mirrors recent revelations and developments. AFF had been in use since 1960, but the EPA’s 2009 statement revealed little about its health hazards. Moreover, revelations of manufacturers’ early knowledge of AFFF’s toxicity catalyzed negligence claims.

Furthermore, the influx of lawsuits gained momentum with the publication of new scientific evidence linking PFAS to cancer. Plaintiffs targeted major manufacturers, including 3M and DuPont. They alleged that these manufacturers had prior knowledge of the dangers.

In addition, the consolidation of cases into the AFFF class action MDL in 2018 marked a pivotal moment. This MDL, assigned to Judge Richard Gergel in South Carolina, had grown to include 3,704 active cases by February 2023.

The MDL (multi-district litigation) saw an average of 175 additional lawsuits per month throughout 2022, demonstrating the long-lasting effects of afff exposure. Indeed, the increasing scope highlights the pressing necessity for personal injury claims and municipal water contamination issues to be handled via the legal system.

Defendants in AFFF Lawsuit Navy

Now let’s discuss about defendants in the afff lawsuit Navy. These include major companies that produced and marketed AFFF products. Among these, DuPont and 3M stand out as significant manufacturers of AFFF foam and are central to the ongoing legal battles.

Evidence reveals that as early as the 1970s, companies like 3M and DuPont were well aware of the potential environmental hazards posed by PFAS in their AFFF products. It was established by the 1990s that extended exposure to these chemicals posed hazards to human health, including the potential for cancer.

What makes the AFFF firefighting foam class action unique is its broad array of corporate defendants. Numerous chemical companies produced afff. All of them used similar harmful chemicals in their formulations for Aqueous film-forming foam production. Consequently, these companies now find themselves entangled in the litigation as defendants.

We have discussed earlier that 3M and DuPont have become the industry leaders in the production of aff firefighting foam. Consequently, they bear primary responsibility in the litigation and are expected to shoulder a significant portion of any eventual settlement. Other notable companies involved in the litigation include Corteva, Tyco, BASF Corp., and The Chemours Company, among others.

Settlement Amounts for AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuits

The resolution of AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits hinges on a mass tort global settlement. In this framework, defendants contribute to a settlement fund, selected to compensate individual plaintiffs who opt for the settlement. According to reports, The plaintiffs will utilize the $10.3 billion settlement money over the next 13 years to remedy PFAS pollution in local water systems, according to reports.

.A tiered ranking system determines settlement amountsPlaintiffs with strong cases of afff cancer occupy the top tier and receive the highest payouts. Those with weaker claims are placed in lower tiers, garnering comparatively less compensation.

Furthermore, plaintiffs with prolonged AFFF exposure and cancer diagnoses associated with AFFF are expected to be prioritized at the top settlement tier. Conversely, lower tiers encompass individuals with lesser exposure or less severe cancer diagnoses.

Anticipated settlement averages vary by tier. Top-tier cases may see settlements ranging from $300,000 to $600,000, while second-tier cases could land between $150,000 to $280,000. Third-tier settlements may hover around $75,000 or less.

These estimates aren’t guarantees but informed projections. Plaintiffs with strong cases of afff cancer occupy the top tier and receive the highest payouts. Those with weaker claims are placed in lower tiers, garnering comparatively less compensation.

As of now, no firefighting foam lawsuit settlement has been reached within the MDL. Individual compensation estimates in the AFFF lawsuit span from $40,000 to $300,000 or more. This amount may be higher or lower, depending on the strength of the case and individual circumstances.

These projections serve as guides rather than certainties, derived from past mass tort cases for cancer and similar exposure-related injuries. For a clearer understanding of potential firefighter foam lawsuit settlements, consulting an experienced attorney is advisable.

AFFF Lawsuit Navy Filing Trends

Here is some good news for those suffering from injuries. They still have time to join the AFFF firefighting foam lawsuit and be part of any potential settlement program expected to conclude this year.

Surprisingly, hundreds of new cases of firefighting foam cancer are submitted each month and added to the AFFF class action MDL. 317 new AFFF cases were added to the MDL in the previous 30 days alone. In fact, this is one of the largest monthly increments, with NUM new cases, since the lawsuit started.

Institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Environmental Working Group (EWG), and the National Firefighter Registry (NFR) have highlighted the increased risk of certain health issues. Exposure to PFAS-containing firefighting foam is a contributing factor.

The severity of AFFF foam exposure is paramount. That is why, lawyers are advocating for those who have endured its consequences. Likewise, they are filing AFFF lawsuits on their behalf.

Role of AFFF Firefighting Foam Class Action Attorney

A lawyer can be crucial in helping you with your firefighting foam lawsuit in multidistrict litigation. MDLs consolidate multiple similar cases from different jurisdictions into a single federal court for complex pretrial proceedings. Attorneys play the following roles to assist you in your case:

  • An attorney is knowledgeable about the details of environmental laws and regulations.
  • Likewise, a lawyer recognizes how serious chemical exposure and water contamination are.
  • A skilled attorney can provide the specialized legal knowledge needed to handle an AFFF lawsuit.
  • Moreover, an afff lawyer can help you through the entire legal process from beginning to end.
  • In addition, they have access to the resources and experts needed to build a strong case against the responsible parties.
  • AFFF lawyers are available for consultations to discuss your case and assess its merits.
  • In addition, you may concentrate on your recovery while they take care of the legal complexities.
  • You can also access their network of experts who can support your case by hiring an attorney.

Key Developments Impacting the AFFF Lawsuit Navy

The AFFF class action lawsuit has already seen significant developments that impact or are poised to impact the case. Ongoing studies continue to support the plaintiff’s position. Studies conducted by government agencies are among them. Each study released adds to the evidence. It either confirms previous research or adds to the list of malignancies linked to PFAS exposure. The case against AFFF manufacturers is further bolstered by these studies.

The launch of the National Firefighter Registry (NFR) by the CDC marks another crucial development. In order to track and evaluate the cancer rates among firemen nationwide, the NFR collects data from state cancer registries, a mandate issued by Congress in 2018. Despite its late start, this initiative promises valuable insights.

A recent settlement of  $1.185 billion was reached against three large chemical companies: Chemicals, DuPont, and Corteva, in a dispute concerning claimed carcinogen exposure from AFFF. Although the AFFF firefighting foam is not directly involved in this case, the outcome could influence the development of the AFFF litigation.

AFFF Firefighting Foam Cancer Lawsuit

Legal Battles and Health Impacts

The MDL class action has recently seen the emergence of the Huntley v. 3M firefighting foam litigation.

The plaintiff, a 57-year-old man hailing from Amarillo, Texas, is taking legal action against the AFFF defendant. It is assumed that his journey into litigation began after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. This diagnosis was attributed to his exposure to the defendants’ fluorochemical products.

His tenure as a firefighter with the United States Marine Corps (1983 to 1985) and the United States Navy (2001-2006) forms the backdrop of his AFFF lawsuit. His legal pursuit aims to hold the defendants accountable for his injuries, suffering, and emotional distress.

The case argues that the defendants are responsible for creating and producing AFFF products. These products were sold to the Marine Corps and Navy by the defendants. The AFFF products contained chemicals PFOA and/or PFOS as well as their precursors.

It claims that the safety data sheets and descriptive labels that came with the defendants’ AFFF products—which were used by firefighters in the Navy and Marine Corps—did not sufficiently disclose the risks to public health. Furthermore, the suit asserts that the defendant has been aware of the toxicity of PFOA and PFOS since 1980.

The suit also alleges that PFOA and PFOS have the potential to cause severe harm to vital organs and the central nervous system. More importantly, this harm can occur through absorption into the body via the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, several of these lawsuits revolve around prostate cancer, which highlights a common thread within these claims.

Read also: Bank of America Lawsuit

Sum Up

Finally, we can conclude that the AFFF Lawsuit Navy has been ongoing since 2022, with recent developments favoring plaintiffs. These developments will significantly impact the course of this litigation as we approach 2024.

Moreover, victims are waiting for payouts related to firefighting foam. Local authorities recently resolved water pollution claims, resulting in a global settlement worth $10.3 billion. Settlement expectations remain high for instances involving wrongful death and personal injury. Hopefully, many of these cases may be settled in the first half of 2024.

Furthermore, the plaintiffs’ argument continues to be strengthened by ongoing research and the subsequent establishment of the National Firefighter Registry (NFR). Notably, major chemical corporations settled for $1.185 billion in a related issue, which could influence the AFFF claim. Hence, everybody involved in a legal dispute needs to be aware of the complex aspects of the case.

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