Deadline Approaching for $45M Walmart Lawsuit Settlement

Here is the big news for all Walmart shoppers. Please be aware of the upcoming deadline for compensation claim submissions. If you purchased groceries between Oct. 19, 2018, and Jan. 19, 2024, you could get up to $500 as part of the Walmart lawsuit settlement.

This includes items like meat, poultry, pork, seafood sold by weight, or bagged citrus fruits. The deadline to file your claim is coming up. Thus, don’t wait to see if you qualify and claim your share of the $45 million settlement.

Let’s break the shell and discover hidden treasure.

What is the Walmart Lawsuit Settlement?

Vassilios Kukorinis, a Tampa-based Walmart consumer, launched a class-action lawsuit, and Walmart agreed to settle it. The lawsuit alleges that Walmart uses unfair and deceptive business practices. These practices include inflating the weight of certain products, mislabeling them, and overcharging for clearance products. The intention is to steal unfairly, and deceitfully. Walmart thereby receives financial advantages at the expense of its consumers’ hard-earned grocery money.

According to the lawsuit, consumers “paid more than a product’s lowest advertised per pound/ounce price” due to Walmart’s business practices. It said that Walmart’s objective to assist “people around the world save money and live better,” including “by leading on price,” was at odds with such actions.

Walmart has denied any wrongdoing. According to the settlement website, it has agreed to settle the case “to avoid the risk, uncertain outcome, and expense of continued litigation.” A Walmart representative emailed the Washington Post, “We continue to reject the claims, but we think a settlement would benefit both parties.”

Walmart Lawsuit Settlement

How to Apply for a Walmart Settlement?

It was mentioned that Individuals who believe they may be eligible for compensation payments must submit a claim by June 5, 2024. When completing the claim form, it’s necessary to provide receipts, proof of purchase, or other documentation. This verifies the purchases and the amount paid.

Moreover, eligible customers are entitled to receive 2% of the total cost of qualifying products, with a maximum payout of $500. Even without receipts, approved customers can still qualify for compensation. For instance, $10 will be awarded to anyone who attests to making in-person purchases of up to 50 weighted items and/or bagged fruit at Walmart. This applies during the settlement period.

Notably, members of the same household are eligible to receive a portion of the settlement. However, they will need to provide proof that their transactions were made independently. Eligibility extends to anyone who bought certain weighted goods (such as pork, poultry, and seafood) or bagged citrus in person at a Walmart retail store, supercenter, or neighborhood market.

This eligibility applies in the United States or Puerto Rico between October 19, 2018, and January 19, 2024. The complete list of eligible products is accessible online. It was also stated that claims for payment must be submitted either online or via mail by June 5, 2024. Customers who lack documentation can still receive compensation ranging from $10 to $25, depending on the number of goods purchased. You must act before May 22, 2024, if you would like to reject the settlement or withdraw from it.

How much money could you get from Walmart?

If you did not retain your Walmart receipts, do not worry. You can claim the money as follows:

  • $10 can be claimed by customers who purchased 1 to 50 “weighted goods” or “bagged citrus”.
  • Customers who bought 51 to 75 “weighted goods” or “bagged citrus” can claim $15.
  • $20 can be claimed by buyers who bought 76 to 100 “weighted goods” or “bagged citrus”.
  • Customers who bought 101 or more “weighted goods” or “bagged citrus” can receive $25.

It is noteworthy that If the amount of claims made exceeds the total settlement amount, your payment could be decreased.

Walmart Lawsuit Settlement

What are the Upcoming Steps for the Walmart Lawsuit Settlement?

Now what will be the next step after submitting the claim? A claims administrator will review the claims, objections, and opt-out requests submitted by qualified clients. This process will determine who qualifies and how much money should be distributed from the settlement fund.

Afterward, the settlement must be finalized. The settlement is not final until the court holds a final approval hearing. This hearing determines if it is “fair, reasonable, and adequate” and takes into account any objections. This is true even though the parties to the class-action complaint have agreed to it. The hearing in this case is scheduled for June 12 at the Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse in Tampa.

Furthermore, The settlement website states:

“We do not know how long it will take for the Court to make its decision.”

If the court approves the settlement, payments may experience delays until all appeals are reviewed. But if there is no appeal, the payments will be processed promptly. As a result, customers will receive the money in their bank account or by check.

Besides, the website warns customers, “Please be patient—it may take several months before the Settlement becomes final and for Claims to be processed.”

Bottom Line

So, do not miss out on your share of the $45 million Walmart lawsuit settlement. Take action before 5 June 2024. This is the deadline to claim up to $500 for groceries purchased between Oct. 19, 2018, and Jan. 19, 2024. If you’re eligible, submit your claim and await the administrator’s review for potential compensation.

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